• Today is SOMEday!

     We help you move your project from IDEA to DONE!

  • Quick Info

    Thanks for visiting. If you are wondering how to pronounce our name, we call ourselves “ee-o-haan”; an odd name, but we’re serious about software.


    Some stuff we do: We make stuff :)

    • Custom software and even connecting “stuff” to the web (IoT)
    • MICROS/Oracle POS (RES 3700/9700/Simphony) SIM Development & interfaces
    • Embedded development. Using small, dedicated microprocessors to solve real-world challenges - hardware and/or software
    • Real-Time Interfaces & Data Conversion - You have stuff that needs to talk to other stuff
    • Hardware and/or Software prototypes and proof of concepts - need something for that next tradeshow or bored meeting? (ya, that misspelling was intentional - but we do realize that sometimes they are necessary) lol

    Whether you want our services for a few hours, weeks, or years, we want to work with you.


    You won't need a top-10 list of things to watch for or a list of 3 ways to improve working with a development team. We like to be that remote office right around the corner. If you have a question, just email, or perhaps even do that old-fashioned thing, call.


    Development is our passion and the reason we eagerly come to work each day (or at times are still at it the next day). We love Imagineering new solutions. Hearing “that’s impossible” is like saying sickem to a bulldog and charges our batteries.


    Thanks for your interest in IOIHAN!


    Contact Information


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    Software and IoT development is an ever-changing art form. IOIHAN can help free your team to focus on your core business. We are here to help.

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    We are here to help, anytime!

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    We love talking about projects and solving challenges. Drop us a note or give us a call to chat about your project or idea - no obligation, of course.

  • Custom Form

    Create unique form!

  • Micros/Oracle Development

    We can help

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    At IOIHAN, we provide development services for the ORACLE/MICROS product line.


    Need a custom MICROS SIM or integration to win a deal?

    Perhaps something to enhance your MICROS POS connected project?


    Drop us a line, and let’s chat. We love MICROS SIM Development!


    We have over 20 years of experience writing solutions that tie in with MICROS POS systems. In fact, members of our Imagineering team have worked in MICROS R&D crafting innovative solutions. This is one place where experience does matter.


    MICROS Systems

    • MICROS 3700
    • MICROS 9700
    • MICROS Simphony (V1 and V2)


    MICROS POS Services

    • MICROS SIM Development
    • MICROS Interfaces


    Call or drop us an email to discuss your project.

    email: info@ioihan.com

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    Custom Software Development

    Software development is an ever-changing art form and keeping your team on point is more important than ever. Companies are leveraging partner services to help develop a wider reach of products as well as faster time to market. Software firms are focusing on the core line of business application and leveraging partner services for web services, reporting, configuration management, and even deep test case development, to name a few.


    We are in tune with time, budget, and technology constraints and will work closely with your lead to ensure we are on target with clear expectations and deliverables. A clear scope of work with defined milestones is a key element to ensure a successful project. Each project is scoped and documented to a level fitting its size.


    Like other partners, our team is highly skilled in the latest technologies. But unlike other partners, we’re very conservative about which new technology we unleash on your project. We are always on the lookout for technology that will bring value to our clients and a competitive advantage to our projects. Far too often new technology is here today and gone this afternoon. We are quite rigorous in our research to ensure the technology we bring to the table for your solution is stable, well supported, and with our best vision effort, going to be around long enough to generate future enhancements and releases. If you just HAVE to have some new technology we are very excited to do it – in fact, we’ve probably already got an application or two developed with it. However, a business application's core reason to exist is to provide ROI.


    The technology should fit the mission, not the mission to the technology.


    Whether you use our services for a small one-off app, larger multi-tiered application, or perhaps in a more integrated approach, we are eager to help. We have even helped development shops onsite to get caught up on some lingering details.


    Let’s chat about your needs, after all, you are why we are here.


    • Web Applications and REST API's (on-premises and in the Cloud)
    • Interfaces and Conversion (real-time or batch)
    • MICROS SIM & Interface Development
    • Web Services
    • Mobile Applications
    • Windows Services & Drivers
    • Windows Desktop Applications
    • QA Services
    • Technical Documentation
    • Resource for that occasional what-if or how-to conversation (ya, really!)


    A few of our technologies;

    • Oracle/MICROS Interfaces
    • HTML5 / CSS3
    • JavaScript
    • NodeJS / VueJS / Express
    • MongoDB (mongoose)
    • SQL Server (Stored Procedures, queries & reports)
    • c/c++ Embedded (microchip)


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    Getting equipment and systems to work together smoothly can be a challenging task. Mix in computer systems and the frustration just compounds. IOIHAN can help. We’ve been doing interfaces between computer systems, control systems, and peripherals for over 20 years.


    Things like RFID, Barcode, Magcard, and other such devices as well as Vending Machines, POS Systems, industrial scales, and control systems. It’s still hard, but we can help navigate the landscape. Give us a call or send us an email to start a dialog about your project.


    • SQL Server Data Integrations (Import and Export)
    • POS System Integrations
    • American HealthTech- Custom Data Exports
    • Answers On Demand (AOD) – Custom Data Exports
    • CounterPoint Point Of Sale Integrations
    • Common CENTS Solutions, GEMpay/GEMLiving Custom Data Exports
    • MICROS POS Interfaces
    • MICROS Custom Integrations (MICROS SIM and Custom Development)
    • MICROS 3700
    • MICROS 9700
    • MICROS Simphony
    • RFID Proximity Card Readers
    • Magnetic Card Readers
    • Barcode Readers
    • POS Roll Printers (EPSON TM-88 Series and others)
    • Custom Data Terminals (Computerwize and others)
    • Serial Communications (rs-232/rs-422)
    • Network TCP/IP Communications
    • Sensors; freezer monitoring, room occupancy, water presence, and lots more


  • Some Stuff & Stuff

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    Thanks for visiting. In case you are wondering how to pronounce our name, we call ourselves “ee-o-haan”; odd name, but we’re serious about software.


    Contact us at: info@ioihan.com for general information or support@ioihan.com for support-related issues.


    Since 1996, IOIHAN has been committed to ethically producing the highest quality software, services, and solutions in the world. Each solution we engineer is crafted with passion and a focus on quality. It is not done until it’s done right; That takes passion, commitment, and an eye for detail. We have it and bring it to each engagement.


    Software is our passion and the reason we eagerly come to work each day (or at times are still at it the next day). We can’t get enough of it and we’re very good at it. We love Imagineering new solutions. Hearing “that’s impossible” is like saying sickem to a bulldog and charges our batteries. Let’s also remember, it’s only impossible because no one has done it yet.


    Sometimes software needs some help with some creative hardware and we’re no stranger in that realm. Bottom line, we love business and making it run smoothly. So enough about us; our team is passionate about helping you and we are eager to chat about your needs, after all, that’s why we’re here — YOU!


    Be sure to check out our project history page as well.

    Thanks for your interest in IOIHAN!

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    Some Projects

    Project Overview

    A few of the projects we have developed over the years. Not everything we have done, but a good cross-section. If you have questions, please drop us a line. We are always seeking industry partnerships. If you would like to explore an integration, expand your current solution, or new product development, give us a call.


    DisplayDog  (https://www.display.dog)

    You pick the display that fits your location and design style. This can be a simple iPad on a desktop or a free-standing kiosk-style, large-format display, or wall-mounted smart TV. The device is up to you and likely something you may have - we have even repurposed some old PC monitors and TVs by adding one of our DisplayDog controllers.  Centrally controlled, easily managed.  Whether you need one, or one thousand displays.  DisplayDog has you covered.


    Online Community a1Proto.com

    With a team of dedicated individuals, we have partnered and launched a community site with eCommerce to support the Maker and IoT space. Representing manufacturers designing components and embedded systems to support this growing market. This is more of a work in progress than an end in itself so this project will continue to evolve over the coming months.


    Equipment Tracking and Location Monitoring

    Using a combination of Cellular band and Zigbee radio standards, track heavy equipment usage, storage, and transport. Usage updates are uploaded to the ETLS Cloud Host in near real-time, providing as accurate a picture of equipment utilization as possible. Maintenance personnel is also alerted when service is scheduled or required. Delivery & transport of the wrong equipment is virtually eliminated as drivers are immediately alerted as they approach. ETLS Cloud National Registry and Tracking also provide immediate verification of your equipment location. Unauthorized movement also generates high-priority alerts to keep your equipment safe.


    Field POD – Silo Monitoring

    The food fish industry, and other industries such as poultry, have the need to monitor the status of their feed bins; knowing the level of feed to ensure they don’t run out during critical times, such as over the weekend or over long holidays and additionally the need to track usage over time. The food fish clients often have resources with little or no communications infrastructure, such as Internet services, which makes traditional solutions difficult. Further, traditional systems use load cells installed at the base of these silos to weigh the product. Bottom line, time-consuming installation and expensive. We used a different approach. Utilizing very low power microcontrollers we use sonar to read the level of product and of course, make this all battery powered with solar charging and license-free radios to get all the data back to the central office. Using some software superglue and a little smoke and mirrors, we get impressive results. Further, with high-powered radios and special antennas, we can achieve up to 40-mile ranges without ANY monthly communications fees. In the last year or so cellular plans have come down in price and these are options as well. We also have Iridium radios available for those that are just too far out there.


    Real-Time Data Interface Engine

    Data always seems to be available on another system or in a different format than the one we’re trying to consume it on. This project allows for the simple configuration of a real-time conversion between systems. The heart of this system is a processing engine that can listen on a TCP/IP port or watch the file system for file changes. Once an event occurs, the engine examines the event to determine if it is something of interest. If so, more processing is performed and a request is sent to another host, another port on this host or any number of other optional items. When the response returns, the reverse happens again and ultimately the caller gets their answer. This entire process is easily scripted using a straightforward XML configuration definition file.

    The configuration files are the glue in the system which enables interfaces to be developed, tested and then the definition files can be distributed as the specification for the specified interface. This engine is in use in hospitals, processing HL7 messages, processing printer output and converting into SQL data updates, retail locations processing real-time transactions for payroll-deduction systems, and more.


    Cashless Vending Interface

    Vending machines are changing the face of retail. We wrote an interface allowing a vending machine, using an interface developed by Heartland Payment Systems which they call their SnapPay, to communicate with a leading Cashless Management System. This is a real-time interface. The system provides standard payroll deduction transactions, meal plan transactions, gift card transactions, and more.


    Mini Terminal POS

    The mini terminals of a few years ago were quite robust and hardened against the most punishing environments. We developed a mini POS transaction terminal using the Computerwise TT5 terminal allowing for very easy transactions to be posted into a Cashless Management, Payroll Deduction System. All terminal configuration was managed at a central location via a standard web browser. The terminal supports barcode, mag card, Proximity, RFID, cards. The system is extremely easy to use and the ultimate in robustness. These are the same terminals we have used in our industrial control systems at the head-end of a steam tunnel. Talk about robust!


    Data Interface “Applets”

    I call these applets because I just don’t have a better term. We have written a pile of these things. A pile, for those that aren’t technically inclined, means a lot. The concept is straightforward. Take a database or file, (Point A) and figure out what information you want to extract. Take the “target” database (Point B) and figure out where the data you just discovered in point A will go. Then, write some code to pipe this information from point A to point B — and, “make it so”. Of course, it’s never quite as easy to do as we make it sound, but the complicated part is what we do. Once we get done, it really is an easy thing to manage. We set up the process either on a timer, as a job, or as a manual step that someone starts at a specific time. And, of course, the data often has to be transformed, glued up, cut apart, aggregated from multiple Point A’s, and well, you get the idea. The bottom line is we’re really good at this.


    Embedded Applications

    From power monitoring, weather data collection, remote event collection, remote printer buffer, communication gateway, In-Vehicle GPS Navigation, and quite a few other solutions, we are not strangers in the embedded arena using single board computers or creating custom designs. With the growing availability of off-the-shelf products, such as Arduino, BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi, Digi, Intel, Microchip, and others, custom designs now typically involve the integration of customized sensor configurations, command/control, communication networks, and “glue” logic more than ground-up micro boards, but still an option for that specific product.


    Applications, Applications, Applications

    We have written a number of applications over the years. Using numerous languages and operating environments. From Browser-based internal use applications to Websites, to stand-alone utilities and other tools suites and lots of embedded development. We have written web back-ends to make managing micro-controllers easy and even data services that talk to other web applications to make the data management more manageable and, of course, resilient to changes.


    • Country Club Management System
    • Mission Board Management System
    • Yarn Mill Management & Billing System
    • Remote Power-Station Monitoring System
    • Help Screen Editor
    • CRUD Application Generator
    • Sales CRM & Commission Management System
    • Packing & Pallet Weighing/Shrink Wrap Management Station
    • Remote Silo Management Suite
    • Cashless Management Solution Suite
    • Senior Living Meal Management Solution w/POS Interface
    • School Meal Management System w/Free & Reduced Qualification
    • Doctor Private Practice Management & Billing System
    • Doctor Referral Call Center System
    • Hearing-aid Tracking/Patient Management System
    • POS Polling/Reporting Package
    • Cashless Vending Interface
    • Bill Acceptor Interface
    • Carpet-Sample Robotic Control System
    • Industrial Barcode Printing & Tracking Solution
    • Exotic Animal Trading/Tracking System
    • Call Center System for One-Number order entry such as Pizza
    • Printer, Network, and Communications Drivers
    • Laser based yarn twister RPM and denier measurement sensor
    • BCD Math Package
    • Sonic Ranging System
    • RFID Code Analysis Application
    • more …
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    Hardware Design

    ShortRun Proto

    We designed a suite of circuits and initial prototypes for a number of ESP8266 based WiFi-enabled microcontroller boards.  If you know this little chip, you know it's a lot of fun to work with and is an extremely powerful component allowing a very cost-effective class of solutions to have the boards as their base.


  • Contact Us

    NOTE: If you have a support contract, please refer to your IO Express sheet for direct access to your concierge agent

    Post Office Box 5984
    Brandon, MS  39047-5984
    8am – 5pm Monday through Friday except holidays
    Central Standard Time (CST)
  • News

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Heroku VueJS CLI deoloyment Quite some fussing and putzing about with this buildpack configuration for the VueJS CLI publishing to Heroku. The heroku-buildpack-static was easy and when it was depreciated we weren't left with anything "easy" as a replacement. Well, if there was, I didn't find...
    October 29, 2021 · wolf,post
    A while back, I discovered a DNS name that would allow me to use subdomains with my localhost development tasks. "lvh.me"  This was a fantastic find until one day it didn't work. It turns out the folks responsible for keeping that name registered decided it was no longer needed, and thus in one...
    December 27, 2020
    They say, it is broken. Are we broken or simply toe-stubbed? I suppose the answer depends on our grit, belief in our future, and our willingness to be a change agent. Disbelief in ourselves on any of these points and perhaps we -are- broken. Broken things can be mended, renewed, or even...
  • Hospital/Senior Care Cashless ROI Calculator

    Have questions? We have answers!